Thursday 16 April 2020

The Phantom Menace: fragmentary sketches of some later scenes

I'm at the point on my script where I have to not get carried away with it.  The ideas are coming fast than I have time to write them.  I do enjoy writing, letting ideas work themselves out through the writing process.  I'm interested to find out what Han Solo's story arc in this treatment turns out to be.  Today I woke up with some ideas for Vader and Elana's break with the Jedi and their planning for revolution.  It's all very on-the-nose stuff.  At once point Obi-Wan point blank tells Vader "The Force doesn't care about your feelings", at which point Vader force chokes him and tells him to never say that to him again.  Then he releases the force hold, says "I am no longer your padawan", and walks out of the room.  Have some ideas for the revolt strategy meeting too.  Sheev is a bit of a wehraboo.  He's mocked up a version of that parody of the Uncle Sam poster with Darth Vader on it.  Elena is horrified - the people she knows detest Vader - but Vader understands it will be effective in gaining troops, knows the number of people who look up to him as a hero.  This is crucial if their revolt is to succeed where past revolts (and there have been many past revolts) have failed.

What they don't have access to is _useful_ troops.  Sheev can 3D print armor but it's totally ineffective.  He's come up with an impressive design for what he calls "stormtrooper" armor.  He's started playing around with the Force, making ball lightning in his spare time.  He is fascinated by lightning, wants the revolt to be what he calls a "lightning war".  If this all seems a little heavy-handed, I didn't make the Empire's troops fucking "stormtroopers".  Anyway, Vader is impressed by the design and sees the propaganda power of it, but suggests the primary colors be changed from black to white, mainly for propaganda reasons but a little bit out of vanity as well - he wants to stand out from his troops, particularly when those troops are cosplayers with no military skill who can't aim a blaster to save their life and are destined to be mowed down by the hundreds in any real fight.  They're not there to defeat the Jedi; there are just huge numbers of people displaced by the Droid Revolution (to be clear, this is a technological revolution and not a violent conflict).  Vader and Elana know that it's no use overthrowing the Jedi if they can't maintain order among the common people, and this is the role of the Stormtroopers.

Overthrowing the Jedi is to be the task of the Wookiee.  The Jedi use the Wookiee as porters and coolies - not _technically_ slaves but effectively slave labor.  The Jedi do not allow them weapons out of fear of revolt, but they have grown complacent and sloppy in their enforcement.  Ichi is an exceptionally charismatic and respected Wookiee, and he will be in charge of uniting the Wookiee and overseeing their training in blaster weapons.  When the time is right, the Wookiee will rise up and murder their Jedi masters in their beds.  Turns out that Obi-Wan and Yoda being the only survivors of the revolt is not a coincidence, but occurs by virtue of their being the only high-ranking Jedi who actually treat the Wookiee with a modicum of respect and dignity.

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